2023 Lessons + What is Ahead for Untapped in 2024

2023 was a pivotal year for Untapped, marked by significant changes and growth. Our journey through the year was nothing short of transformative, and we're excited to share these milestones with you.

A Bold Geographic Leap

2023 marked a significant transformation for Untapped with our relocation from New Zealand to Europe. This monumental move was driven by a desire to tap into a broader spectrum of global opportunities and to challenge ourselves in new and diverse markets. The decision to relocate was more than just a strategic business move; it was a commitment to embrace adaptability and expand our worldview. It symbolized our readiness to step out of our comfort zone and venture into new territories, reinforcing our belief in the power of geographic diversity and its impact on business growth and cultural enrichment.

From a Network to a Visionary Team

One of the most remarkable transformations at Untapped in 2023 was the evolution of our team structure. We transitioned from a network of freelancers to a cohesive, full-time team. This shift was not just about improving efficiency; it was about cultivating a sense of unity and shared purpose. By bringing together dedicated individuals under one vision, we created a family-like atmosphere that fostered deeper collaboration, commitment, and a stronger sense of belonging. This transition was a testament to the power of collective effort and the synergistic potential of a team that shares a common dream and works together towards achieving it.

Aligning Vision with Strategy

2023 was a pivotal year for strategic realignment at Untapped. The focus was on bridging the gap between our overarching vision and our day-to-day strategies. This alignment was about more than just setting goals; it involved a deep introspection into what we truly sought to achieve and how our operational tactics could be fine-tuned to reflect this. This process led to significant shifts in our team dynamics and operational methods, ensuring every action taken was a step towards our long-term aspirations. It was a year of balancing creative ambitions with systematic execution.

Looking Beyond the Now

As we look towards 2024, Untapped is poised for a phase of expansion and innovation. Our forward-looking approach is not just about growing in size but in depth and impact. We're exploring new territories like book writing and event hosting, which are not just business ventures but mediums to share our journey and insights with a broader audience. These initiatives represent our commitment to not just live in the present but to actively shape our future, keeping our core mission at heart while venturing into new, unexplored realms.

Lessons from Our Entrepreneurial Journey

Throughout 2023, Untapped's journey was rich with lessons in resilience and adaptability, quintessential elements of the entrepreneurial spirit. Every challenge faced and obstacle overcome reinforced the importance of staying agile and responsive in an ever-changing business landscape. These experiences didn't just shape our strategies; they molded our ethos and approach to business and personal growth.

Join Us in Our 2024 Journey

Looking ahead to 2024, Untapped is not just focused on growth in the traditional sense. We aim to deepen our impact and nurture the community that has been integral to our journey. This means more than just expanding our business; it's about building meaningful relationships and making a tangible difference in the lives of those we connect with.


In sum, 2023 was a year of profound transformation for Untapped. It was a period marked by daring decisions, significant team development, and strategic breakthroughs. As we embark on another year, we invite you to join our evolving story. Together, let's explore new horizons of growth, learning, and innovation. Join us in making 2024 a year of impactful connections and dynamic progress.

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