Journey of Amanda: From Home-Based Hobby to Healing Business

Amanda’s story is an inspiring tale of transformation and personal growth. With a business rooted in spiritual and energy healing, Amanda has journeyed from treating her practice as a part-time hobby to developing it into a flourishing online enterprise. This blog post delves into her journey, highlighting the key lessons and milestones that have defined her path.

The Beginning: Embracing Passion

Amanda started with a simple yet profound goal: to help people move past pain, trauma, discomfort, and various personal challenges. Working primarily with teenagers and adults, she provided tools for overcoming difficulties in school, relationships, and personal health.

A Shift in Perspective: Joining Untapped

Initially, Amanda's business was more akin to a hobby. However, as her children grew up and left home, she found herself with more time and a burning desire to expand her business's reach. This led her to joining Untapped programs that promised to unlock potential and offer new avenues for growth.

The Learning Curve: Business, Finance, and Technology

One of Amanda's most significant achievements with Untapped was her newfound understanding of business, finance, and technology. She transformed her fear of these subjects into strengths, integrating them into her daily business operations. This was a pivotal point in her journey, marking her transition from a practitioner to a savvy business owner.

Confidence and Client Impact

As Amanda gained confidence in her abilities, she noticed a positive shift in her client interactions. She describes this transformation as aligning the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, creating a complete picture of her business and its potential.

Launching an Online Program

A significant milestone in Amanda's journey was the launch of her 12-week online program. This move from one-on-one, face-to-face sessions to a broader, more accessible online format was a game changer. It allowed her to reach a wider audience and offer a more structured healing experience.

Financial Growth and Realizing Value

Amanda's financial growth reflects the depth of her transformation. She increased her session fees significantly, recognizing the value of her 25 years of experience. This was not just a monetary upgrade but a testament to the enhanced quality and impact of her services.

Community and Emotional Support

Amanda highlights the importance of community and emotional support in her journey. Being part of a like-minded group provided her with a safe space to be vulnerable, open, and receive guidance, which she considers invaluable.

Continuous Growth

Amanda’s story doesn’t end here. From mastering the core foundations with Untapped, Amanda is now empowered to continually grow her offers and core packages, showing her commitment to continuous improvement and adaptation.

In the world of inspiring stories, Amanda's journey shines bright. It's a real example of how someone can grow and change their path. At Untapped, we believe in always moving forward, breaking the usual rules, and really growing. Amanda's story is for everyone, whether you're just starting out or have been on your path for a while. Her journey shows us that with the right steps and belief, anyone can turn their passion into something great.

Ready to chat to the team about your business growth?

At Untapped, we believe in people’s business, personal growth, and potential. Whether you're just starting out or have been on your path for a long time, Charlotte's story has something for everyone.

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