Ever had that Niggle you have More Within you?

Dedicated to: those who want to play big!

I recorded this video after attending an NLP and timeline therapy course in Australia with Luke Hawkins, which was unreal. I want to share some of those nuggets and golden insights with you.

Think about a trained flea (yes, really).

If you put a flea in a container and put the lid on, the flea only can jump so high. Even if you take the lid off, the flea will continue only to jump so high. It truly caps its potential.

We do the same things as humans. We start to cap what's possible for us. We tell ourselves stories about what we can and can't do.

This is all centred around our belief system. We all have one. It tells us what's possible for us and what's possible for others. That belief system drives our decisions, which ultimately drives our actions and the results in our life.

Think about what you want to create in your life. It could be a lateral career jump, starting a new business, anything. Now we either have a result or a reason. What are you telling yourself about this idea? Are you taking action to make it happen? Or are you telling yourself it's too hard or that you aren't good enough?

Let's explore those reasons that keep us stuck. I wanted to do coaching a year ago, and there were so many beliefs that had me stuck. For me, the critical ones were that I'm not enough, which stemmed from an experience a very long time ago that led me to believe I wasn't enough. Therefore, I wasn't enough to be a coach. It was that story that had me stuck for so long, and it wasn't until last year I was standing at the traffic lights and said this was total bullshit.

You hold these beliefs in this little suitcase you carry with you that is projecting out into the future. This suitcase is determined to tell you what you can and can't achieve in this life.

What happens with these beliefs (these bullshit stories)? You literally start to see that everywhere. I call it the Honda Civic effect. When you think of a Honda Civic, you start seeing this car EVERYWHERE. Your brain is trained to look for the things that align with what you believe. If you think you aren't creative, you aren't going to engage in any creative pursuits. If you believe you aren't an entrepreneur, you arent going to do anything entrepreneurial.

This video is about rewriting those beliefs so you can create results in your life.You know that niggle that there is more within you? It's time to STEP UP, to PLAY BIG, to design the life of your dreams and to remove the barriers keeping you stuck (for good!!)

Tune in below to hear why we are conditioned to play small and how to break through for an extraordinary life!!

Top Takeaways

  • Each of us has infinite potential to create the life and impact we desire

  • We have been conditioned to limit what's possible

  • Negative beliefs and emotions from our past limit our decisions and actions now and in the future

  • You either have a reason or a result!

  • Things don't happen by chance, they happen by change

  • Super successful people invest in themselves, ask for support and learn from the best!


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