How to Stop Trading Time for Money

"I just want to stop trading time for money. I want passive income." 

We hear this every day from online creatives coming into our space, burning out because their business model doesn't support their expansion. 

Feel familiar?

We are builders and creators so naturally we think, I will just build a new thing! That's not the answer, all that does is keep you in the hamster wheel of creating, selling and delivering.

So what's the secret?

Here are 3 answers we are seeing making a HUGE difference for our creatives in Untapped Mastery.....

1. Go deep not wide.

You might think you need an offer for every person you get referred or every soul who mentions a problem they have, but this can really hinder your business expansion.

Instead focus on the top 20% of who you love to serve and where you make the greatest impact - go deep with them.

2. Embrace automations and systems.

Guarantee right now 25% of your workload right now could be automated using tech (especially with the advances of A.I). We used to spend 3+ hours per client getting them onboarded and setup now it's 3 minutes. Zapier is your new best friend. Automate, automate, automate.

3. Systematise your magic.

It's impossible to scale something that doesn't have a clear system. Read that again. Creative souls at the core resist structure but if you are serious about buying back your time, you need to document all your unique processes in operating systems aka HOW do you do exactly what you do. We have supported over 1000+ creatives switch from per hour models to thought leaders with unique methodologies. 

Love this email and want more wisdom about how to stop trading time for money and build a business that supports your lifestyle? 

Dive into our Untapped podcast episode "How to Stop Trading Money" now on your favourite platform.


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