Hannah MacDonald— My Untapped Story

During her HPW programme Han decided it was time to leave her studies and launch her own business (which she had been thinking about for years). Naturally people around her thought they should advise otherwise and all the risks in doing so…

But in the end she discovered that we should only really take advice from those who have been where you want to go!

“There's people's opinions you value because you love them and stuff, but also it's not the life they're going to love.

And I had a lot of people who I love but are older than me and it was idea,

“Are they were you want to go?”

Then that's how much weight you put on their opinion or you’re going to be living that life.
I have to do what I need to do because all of the next so many years, I'm going to be living that life and if I do it for someone else, where’s the point in that?”


Ludmilla Oliveira - My Untapped Story


A Birthday Reflection Ritual for You to Try